Dear Fosi,
I’m sitting here in a hotel room in Dallas, Texas, some
3,700 miles away, writing you a letter on this, our 24th wedding
anniversary. Granted, this is not how I
wished to spend this special occasion, separated by the great Pacific ocean and
a large chunk of the US continent, but work called and I hopped on a plane,
saddened by the fact that I’d have to spend Father’s Day, our anniversary and
my first off-island time away from our new baby. But I knew, as I’ve always known, that you
supported me in my endeavors and that baby, Sonny, the dogs, mom and dad, the
house and everything else would be well cared for in my absence. That’s one of the things that I’ve learned
about you after knowing you for over 30 years and being your wife for 24 of
those years.
I know you’re not much for fancy celebrations or grand
gestures and I don’t have a material gift to give you to commemorate our two
dozen years of being eternal companions.
So I thought I’d write because I find it easier to express myself
through the written word sometimes and you tell me I should write more, so here
I go.
I’ve learned a lot from you, about you, about me, about us,
and about a whole lot of other things through 24 years of marriage. Most of it is amazing, a lot of it is
challenging and some of it is downright heartbreaking, but all of it has taught
me tremendous things about what matters and has shaped the woman that I am
So if you don’t mind, I’d like to share with you just a few
of the important things that I’ve learned about marriage during the course of our
last 8,760 days together.
I’ve learned that two people who are very
different can be the best partners.
You’re quiet and low-key. I’m loud and opinionated.
You keep things inside and everything I’m thinking and feeling usually seeps
out all over the place. You do things without being asked and don’t expect
credit or accolades and I’m usually pointing out how wonderful it was that I
did the dishes. Your motto is, “let’s go for it.” and my motto is, “let’s think
about and plan for it, like from 10 different angles.” And yet, this
combination seems to work, not without it’s snags, but sometimes the synergy is
magical and that has allowed us to create a wonderful life together and for our
loved ones.
I’ve learned that faith in God is essential
in a marriage.
I can’t count how many times I’ve
thought that it wouldn’t happen, that the odds were insurmountable, that it
just wasn’t meant to be. I’ve railed
against the universe, wept, mourned, complained, plotted, negotiated and gave
up trying and yet, through my faith, your faith, and collectively through our
faith in God, we’ve experienced miracles in our lives. Two children who came to us in the most
unexpected and miraculous of ways. A home that we were able to obtain for our
family, even when we appeared to be the most ineligible of buyers on
paper. The list of miracles and
blessings are too long to list but our faith in God has most often helped our
individual souls and carried us through our most difficult times.
I’ve learned that you need to nurture a
marriage by honoring what is important to your spouse.

I’ve learned that there are times in every
marriage when a “tune-up” is necessary.

I’ve learned that living in the moment is
one of the keys to great happiness in marriage and in life.

The lessons are many, the memories and blessings could fill
pages and pages. But I’ll end here by saying, “thank you”, for all you’ve
blessed me and our family with. Even after 24 years, I think we are just at the
outset of our eternal journey. I look forward to learning and growing by your
side along that path.
Happy Anniversary, Fosi. I love you.
Eternally Yours,