A couple of weeks ago, I headed out with my girlfriends to enjoy the vocal and poetic stylings of the Barefoot Divas at Leeward Community College. This fabulously talented group of ladies hail from New Zealand, Australia and Papua New Guinea and represent a collaboration of well known Native artists. The effect was stunning. The vocals, the costumes, the music, the spoken word, the musicians, the atmosphere was truly spectacular and I basked in the womanly ambiance of it all with my own group of sistahs by my side.
These lovely ladies, as they are so aptly named, perform barefoot. . .well, with the exception of one spicy Maori/Welsh/Gypsy songstress, in her red heels. As she sang and danced on stage, my friend leaned over and whispered to me, "there's just something about red heels that are SO sexy!". Amen and amen, sister. I sat there mulling over this statement and thought to myself, "Delia, when was the last time you owned a pair of sexy red heels?". Ah, never. Next question, "Delia, when was the last time you owned a pair of heels?". Hmm, too long for me to remember.
Of course that internal dialogue led me to contemplate as to why I don't wear heels and why I've never owned a pair of red shoes, period. First and foremost, I'm just not a 'shoe' person. My mantra is: comfort and economy over style. I've never enjoyed shoe shopping, never drooled over a pair of open-toed Manolos like Carrie Bradshaw or envisioned myself out on the town in Jimmy Choo strappy sandals. I'd honestly prefer to go around in a pair of Scotts slippers or barefoot, like my indigenous sisters on stage-at home, work and yes, even when I'm performing on stage. (Honestly, I think Lina and I take off our shoes on stage a lot, lol). Second, I've owned heels in the past but as I get older and more abundant in figure, it's just not comfortable, doesn't look too good and is downright dangerous sometimes! Picture me falling down a flight of stairs, tiny heels snapping like twigs-well at least that's the image that comes to my mind.
So as I reflected on all of those things while sitting in a darkened theater enjoying the display of diverse beauty celebrated before me, I made myself a little promise. I am going to own a pair of red heels before the year is out. Let me declare again, to the universe and all interested (and disinterested) parties: I, Delia Leiala Parker Ulima, will purchase and wear a pair of hot, sexy, taller than 1/2 inch pair of heels by December 31, 2014 (picture proof forthcoming). There, I've said it and in doing so, have put the wheels of intention in motion. May the 'barriers' be removed to meet my goal-those barriers being, in no particular order: finding shoes in my size, finding shoes I like and that complement my Hawaiian footsies, and most importantly, getting to a point in my mind and body where I feel GOOD wearing them and flaunting them, and the legs attached to the feet they're on.
My path to becoming a red heel wearing goddess starts here, folks. By all means, you're welcome to join me on this quest. The Red-Heeled Divas Club has been founded, any takers?
But don't worry, I'll always be a barefoot diva at heart. . .
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